Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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9x9x9 BarrelA 9x9x9 extended and then truncated into the shape of a cylinder.
9x9x9 Diametric HexahedronA 9x9x9 with 3D printed extensions in the shape of a triagonal dipyramid with different heights.
9x9x9 Fisher CubeA 9x9x9 is fishered which means it was turnd inside its solid by 45°.

9x9x9 Ghost CubeThe higher order brother of the Ghost Cube. Made from a 9x9x9.
9x9x9 GyroidA 9x9x9 covered with Gyroid pieces.
9x9x9 HexPrismaAn 9x9x9 transformed into the shape of a hexagonal prism.

9x9x9 PenroseA 9x9x9 truncated into three round surfaces in a spiral pattern.
9x9x9 SculptureA 9x9x9 modified into a solid similar to a stellated octahedron.
9x9x9 TwistA 9x9x9 modified like the Twist Cubies.

A Kiss is not just a KissA 1x2x3 painted with a scheme inspired by Gustav Klimt.

A Simple Approach To The Magic CubeLogical techniques which lead to a solution
A Simple Approach to the Fantasy BlockLogical techniques leading to a solution you could master it in 30 minutes!

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